Making the Impossible Possible

    Why? Why not?


    We provide services to a wide variety of proactive organizations that are committed to improving the knowledge, skill and abilities of their greatest asset... THEIR PEOPLE.


    In this fast-paced competitive world of the 21st century, mistakes could be costly. We are constantly adjusting to the changes necessary to produce goods and provide services. The global COVID-19 pandemic added another variable beyond everyone’s experience and we continue to learn as we move forward.


    In The Training & Development Landscape Report, co-authored by SHRM and the US Chamber of Commerce, many employers currently have strategic partnerships or collaborate on talent development. Over half (56%) of organizations collaborate with or have at least one strategic partnership in the recruiting, training, development, or financial wellness & security benefits space. Of these, 28% collaborate on skill-based training and development.


    Traditionally known as soft skills,

    PEOPLE SKILLS are more necessary and sometimes harder to learn.

    • Effective Communication
    • Productive Teamwork
    • Integrity
    • Empathy
    • Dependability
    • Flexibility 
    • Creativity
    • Problem-solving
    • Critical Thinking
    • Executive Presence
    • Open-mindedness
    • Being Organized
    • Willingness to Learn/Grow
    • Leadership – all levels


    Susan Collins, Director of Talent Acquisition and Employer Branding at Talbots, shared some eye-opening statistics during her presentation at the 2020 SHRM Talent Conference. 97% of employers surveyed said that people (soft) skills were either as important or more important than technical (hard) skills. However, 46% of new employees fail within 18 months and of these, 89% fail because of a lack of people (soft) skills, such as professionalism or the ability to get along with others.


    PEOPLE SKILLS are habits and traits that shape how you work alone and with others. Better understanding yourself and others will allow you to become more effective, valuable, and marketable as you contribute to a positive and functional work environment.


    Technical skills one can learn and adapt throughout your career. How you worked when you entered the workforce has changed and you have changed with it. What remains is your need to interact with others, both internal and external to your organization.


    To succeed, you need both. Employers have come to realize that PEOPLE SKILLS (soft skills) are more essential than ever.


    "It takes a lot of energy to release the familiar, 

    and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. 

    But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. 

    There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, 

    for in movement there is life, and in change there is power." 

    ~ Alan Cohen