Listen to our interview with Channel Pro Network about our coaching services. Our conversation focused on how we help our clients with Time Management. Learning to effectively use one's time will vary whether working from home, fully back to their previous workspace as before or in an hybrid mode.
Coaching for Business Success Interview with Joshua A. Sky
Executive/Leadership Coaching is a professional process that supports business owners, entrepreneurs, executives, managers front-line supervisors and their employees. The focus can be on interacting with others (interpersonally) or on individual issues (intrapersonally) in any of these various segments:
Setting and Attaining Goals
Supervisory Skills
Organizational Strategy
Career Advancement
Effective Communication Skills
Work Life Balance
Building Better Relationships
Conflict Resolution
Career Changes
Team Building
Management Development
Employee Motivation
Change Management Issues
Time Management
Improving Communication
Setting and Attaining Goals
TRUST is Key!
SHRM research shows that when there is more trust in the workplace, employees are 23% more likely to offer ideas and solutions.
Coaching enlightens self-awareness for behavioral changes. These behavioral changes impact individual development and collective advancement within groups, teams and organizations. Our coaching program begins with a two-hour Welcome Session, engaging the coaching client early in order to develop TRUST allowing for earlier breakthroughs and long-lasting progress and success.
"An old dog can learn new tricks. Over the years, I have come to know how I would react in certain situations, for better or worse. I have been set in my ways and while I've wanted to improve, never thought real and lasting change was possible. Until Joshua that is. After spending quality time with Joshua discussing my responses to situations and identifying alternative ways to approach tasks, I can honestly say I have changed. Joshua helped me understand how others can be impacted by my decisions and showed me how to develop new methods, ideas and eventually outcomes. Thank you Joshua!" – C.S. of Jacksonville, FL
"Goals were very realistic, perhaps a stretch, but a good one. Having identified areas where I need to grow as a process between myself and my manager, Joshua then built a framework to achieve these goals, designed the right activities or approaches tailored to my goals. Joshua also is very good at provoking the right questions to ask. Several high points in the process, but ultimately gaining the positive feedback from my manager in recognition of the effort I put into the process was rewarding." – P.B. of Leicester, UK
"Your coaching sessions were extremely helpful to me. I appreciate your methodology of writing the objectives and meeting twice a month to discuss my progress. Also, learning how to look at people’s DiSC® profiles, then to approach people in a way that suited their styles was quite enlightening. I even gamified the experience by trying to guess the individual’s profile after an initial interaction. Another great learning I got from our coaching sessions was to remove myself from “personal attachment” from a project. I have been practicing the attitude of accepting feedback without taking any of it personally but understanding that the comments are coming from good intentions. This was something that I had always struggled with during my professional path." – G.I. of Venice, Florida
"Joshua Sky worked with me in my role as an Executive Board Member by facilitating 360 feedback, multiple Executive Coaching sessions and administering the DiSC® Profile for my colleagues and me. Through these methods, Joshua was able to help me realize how to manage balancing my role as a volunteer along with my responsibilities of being a business owner and how to communicate more effectively with peers, employees, and colleagues. Joshua helped me to realize that others may approach situations differently that I would, and to understand those differences to help me become a more effective leader. I would highly recommend using The Sky’s The Limit Consulting in the future!" – T.K. of Lake Mary, FL
“I felt Joshua was very knowledgeable in regards to my goals. I think it is very important that Joshua understand and identify specific goals. I think its probably this ability that sets his services apart for a standard issue “life coach” type program. His intuitiveness is really one of his best assets in my opinion. Without hesitation, I would work with him again and refer others to him.” – M.C. of Arnold, MO
"Joshua was key in helping me to identify priorities. We have many things we always want to work on, talking with him made me realize that it is wise to take on goals step-by-step...After the coaching, I am more aware of myself. I think we connected really well, and that was helpful in making fast progress. He understood me very well. I think the skills I wanted to improve are probably the most common ones: human relationships and communication." – M.M. of Stanton, MN
"I believe the goals that were selected were extremely achievable. Part of the selection process was selecting goals that would allow for a mid-program and end-of-program review, so there needed to be documentable progress. Very realistic goals." – D.E. of Minneapolis, MN
"I felt Joshua was very knowledgeable with respect to what I wanted to accomplish...I would have to say that patience and the ability to help me to develop an internal compass were more important than strict knowledge." – L.P. of Naples, FL
"I learned that my body language may be misunderstood. I now know that I need to work together with others to communicate and resolve issues by meeting regularly before issues build up. I also learned that not everything is either black or white. There may be gray areas." – C.G. of Naples, FL
"Joshua worked closely with me in establishing short and long-term goals....I was successful in achieving the goals that were set out for me....the clearest evidence is the fact that my supervisor has verbally recognized those successes over the last few months." – L.S. of Napa, CA
A high point was seeing the data come in from the 360 that I was making progress (and certainly not going backward) toward the goals we set forth. Joshua was very knowledgeable in helping me to accomplish my goals. He expertly crystallized my jumbled ideas into clear and achievable goals. During sessions he was able to distill my examples in to the key points and lessons, and had many strategies and anecdotes that illustrated important lessons and strategies." – T.T. of Combined Locks, WI
"While focusing on my business, Joshua helped me to go from not really knowing how to ‘get out of my own way’ to helping me to create action steps that allowed me to build credibility with my clients and put processes in place that will allow me to take more control of, and ultimately grow, my business. There is no question in my mind that his services are extremely valuable, no matter what business one is in." – J.M. of Fort Myers, FL
"My favorite bit of advice from Joshua actually came when he went over an email with me and pointed out how to make improvements." – N.A. of Arden Hills, MN
"Joshua is a very focused individual himself and has the innate ability to hone right in, cutting through all the clutter of the active 'creative' mind." – D.M. of Bonita Springs, FL
"What I learned about myself was I have to force myself to be more assertive. I also have learned a lot about my co-worker and how to handle things differently and constructively. I believe if I try to think how the other person thinks, I can hopefully understand a bit better where they are coming from. Thanks for everything Joshua." – K.P. of Naples, FL
"The high points (of my coaching experience) were when I was able to check off, as accomplished, goals I had set for myself... Josh was sufficiently knowledgeable. Our primary focus was on goal setting. Another focus was trying to visualize and work towards achieving a more flexible, independent work arrangement (in my life)."
– I.S., of Miami Beach, FL
"Joshua helped me to identify areas that were lower in my DiSC® profile and to determine ways that we could work together to improve... to make me more efficient in my work. He helped me to design goals that were realistic and helpful… He was very respectful in setting tasks that I could accomplish while taking me out of my comfort zone. This is important because if he had pushed too much, I think I would have resisted because it would have felt like I was being forced to do something. His approach worked for me." – A.C. of Naples, FL
"I really had no idea what this would be like since I had never been involved with any type of program like this before. I think this type of coaching experience is very beneficial as long as the person is open-minded and willing to try the suggestions of the coach. I realized that I don’t have to be perfect; it’s OK to make a mistake. I can do my best to achieve excellence but I can’t be perfect. I learned how to control my frustration with a co-worker, changing my attitude and realizing that each person has their own way of expression and dealing with the situation at hand. It was a very enlightening experience." – D.S. of Lehigh Acres, FL
"Joshua helped me tremendously. I came in knowing I wanted to be a better leader, but Joshua helped me understand what skills I already had and areas where I could improve. The program was very structured where I left with clear expectations and actions for the next meeting/session. His experience working with many types of leaders helped as he was able to articulate things for which I was struggling to convey. Joshua always had really thoughtful advice when I had specific questions, concerns, or requests and I always felt comfortable asking for clarification or for additional information." – M.W. of St. Paul, MN
"Within the first hour we met, it was evident that it would not be possible to get to answers for a piece of the puzzle without looking at the whole thing! Because a great deal of the actions we take are motivated by other areas in our life, it is imperative to examine ‘the big picture’. I feel like coaching has helped me to examine different aspects of my work (and personal) life and has provided me with an understanding of why I do some of the things I do. My biggest accomplishment was sticking to the goals we set aside. I have found if I cannot keep the promises I make to myself, I’m only doing a disservice to myself and the others around me.I’m more focused and productive. Coaching is a great way to learn about new tools you can use to improve the way you work and live." – A.L. of Naples, FL
"The coaching was a great learning opportunity for me to become more self aware of how I can strategically establish and achieve goals. I found the coaching sessions to be extremely rewarding, motivating and thought-provoking. I have grown and benefitted by learning and implementing techniques to assist me in my leadership role, as well as my professional career." – A.S. of Tampa, FL
"This project has been quite the adventure. I found it to be very eye opening and beneficial to both my volunteer role and my professional career. What I learned about myself was how to respond without reacting, to breathe and search for understanding before joining into discussions while embracing my own self-worth. Thank you for your guidance on this journey." – M.B. of Fort Myers, FL
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