Choose the learning path to suit your needs!
In addition to our in-person and virtual training, we offer self-paced online learning.Every organization has its own specialty offering goods and/or services, but it's the PEOPLE who bring results. Our consulting encompasses:
- Performance Management
- Understanding Human Behavior Styles
- Effective Interpersonal Communication
- Leadership and Management Development
- Executive Coaching
- Emerging Leader / Potential Leader
- Time Management Issues
- Harassment Training
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Strategic Planning with Accountability
- Team Building
- Conflict Resolution
- Training Programs and Products
- DiSC(R) Behavioral Profiles
- Agile Emotional Intelligence
- Learning Assessments
We offer an extensive list of training programs that can be customized for your organization. If you would like to learn more or about different options, we would appreciate the opportunity to submit a proposal that truly responds to your current circumstances.
The following are just a few of our training programs available to your organization:
A Foundation of Success: Better Understanding Yourself & Others
Person-To-Person: Becoming a More Effective Communicator
Performance Management: Increasing Productivity and Efficiency
Coping with Stress: The Power of Relationships
Full Plate? Mastering Your Time and Energy
Sexual Harassment: In the Wake of #MeToo
Developing Emerging/Potential Leaders
All these outstanding programs can be offered in different time formats. To meet the needs of workplaces with remote and hybrid models, we have options including adapting longer training programs into shorter modules for easier virtual delivery.
Many of our programs incorporate validated and reliable instruments. We employ interactive methods that ensure the understanding and enhance the application of theories and concepts, all to achieve the desired learning objectives. To learn more about any of our fine programs listed or to inquire about how we can custom-design a program that is right for your organization, please Contact Us.
Click below to see training programs available for you or your organization
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