The Martian: Facing One Challenge at a Time
If you haven’t seen the Oscar-nominated film starring Matt Damon, there’s a treat in store for you. The Martian (released on October 2, 2015) is based on a science fiction novel but much of what takes place seems to be scientifically possible; artistic license was also used in the film version. Nonetheless, it’s an entertaining film and was intended to be so. There is a message stated by the main character at film’s end that I think is the recurring theme from the first scene.
Damon’s character, when faced with challenges, learns to methodically tackle one at a time. The message is that if you look at a really large challenge and feel that it’s insurmountable, it will freeze you, it will paralyze you. But when you look at your issues, prioritize them based on urgency and take action, you can succeed. Conquer those first and then anything else that is urgent that comes along. When things are more stable, get back to your list and handle the others that are important.
Stephen Covey has an entire chapter in his best-seller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, that focuses on time management. In it, he asks readers to identify what is urgent and what is important and emphasizes the difference between the two.
Our program: Full Plate? Becoming the Master of Your Time and Energy incorporates Covey’s principles.

“I am not a product of my circumstances.
I am a product of my decisions.” – Stephen Covey