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Taking That Second Step

· Obstacles,Results,Coaching

From time to time, people contact me with an interest in my coaching services, but then don’t go past the first step. So, I ask myself why some people don’t take the second step. Just recently, a prospect contacted me and shared a great deal over the phone before we were to meet. She’s been in a business for about 15 years but the business was obviously running her instead of her running the business. She’s been doing well even in a slower economy and doesn’t have time to respond to estimate requests. Imagine that! Losing revenue because of time and labor management issues.

Imagine not having time to meet people who want your goods or services because you’re so busy with the current work to secure the future or additional work. What would other business people do? From our phone onversation, she stated that she needs my help. She knew that she needed the structure of a coaching program where goals are set and where there is accountability week-to-week that would encourage and support her in achieving the needed results. And yet, she never took the second step.

Whatever you are thinking about doing, make sure you take the second step. It’s the only way you’re going to get past the first one and achieve results!

“Each step you take reveals a new horizon. You have taken the first step today. Now, I challenge you to take another.”

– Dan Poynter