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New Year's Goals

· Goal Setting,Self-Improvement

A new year generally congers up the concept of a fresh new slate. And with it we are apt to be setting professional and personal goals for the first quarter and the whole year to come:

  • Starting a new job? 
  • Increasing sales?
  • Changing careers? 
  • Expanding your market?
  • Buying a new house or car? 
  • Getting a promotion? 
  • Spending more time with your family?
  • Designing new products or programs? 
  • Adding exercise to your life….again?
  • Working on a hobby you haven’t had time for? 
  • Meeting more new people? 
  • Planning some mini vacations? 
  • Going back to school? 

What are your plans? Many articles on the newsstands focus on New Year’s Resolutions at this time of year. Whatever you wish to call them, let’s look at how to better design them. Here are some statements that you may have heard.

  1. I hate my boss and need to find a better job this year.
  2. I missed the bonus I was counting on so I have to have a better year in my sales numbers.
  3. The market is too competitive for me; I need to find new niches for my products or services.
  4. With s/he retiring, I just have to get the promotion this summer.
  5. Look at those school pictures from last year.  The kids are getting older and there are a lot of things I’ve missed in their lives.  They won’t be young forever.
  6. All I do is buy larger clothes; I have to go on a diet in January.

And the list can go on and on. Yet, there is something missing in all of these statements. The intentions are real but they’re not SMART. Whether you’ve learned them in the past and this is a refresher, or this is your first experience with them, let’s look at how you can get SMARTer with your goals.

S Specific (use clear language, minimize ambiguity)

M Measurable (set a goal that can be evaluated, include quantifiers)

A Agreed Upon (create a goal that can be achieved with the energy and resources of those who need to be involved)

R Realistic (set high standards but only high enough that they can be achieved)

T Time Sensitive (set a timeline for when the goal is to be completed)

So how will one of those earlier statements look when re-written for greater success?

1. During the first quarter of 2018, I will begin a search for a new job to bring greater happiness into my life.

  • By January 15, I will analyze the aspects of my current job and supervisor that I like and dislike.  (Note: A person’s relationship with his/her supervisor has one of the greatest impacts on one’s happiness at work.) 
  • By January 22, I will review my current financial situation with my spouse (or alone) to evaluate my needs for a new position. 
  • By January 31, I will review all of my resources and contacts as I enter this job search. 
  • By February 14, I will have my resume redone, reviewed, and ready for distribution. 
  • By February 28, I will create a list of potential employers I would like to work for in my area…..

As SMART as all of this may be beginning to sound, what do you think is missing that we need for success? For some of us, we can do it alone but my experience is that most of us, including organizations can’t. What’s missing is the follow through! Brainstorming with many, or for one individual, on a path of self-discovery is always exciting.

But what happens when we return to the real world of routine and obligations. We often lose sight of the track we need to be on in order to move forward. In my work with organizations and individuals, goal setting is often part of my offering but accountability and support are crucial.

Happy and Healthy New Year and get SMARTer with your goals in 2018!

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