Hanna was semi-retired, after a very diverse set of professional experiences. When we first spoke she was working on a contract basis for someone whose style did not mesh with hers. He also led her to believe that there were more leads than there were and he did not train her on how to market. She had been thinking about offering the same services on her own. Her challenges were getting motivated to start the process, feeling confident about developing a new business, making a presentation of these services to a potential client and being able to survive where she was until she could make the transition. So we rolled up our sleeves and got to work.
Hanna realized that she needed to break all of this down and tackle one thing at a time. As her coach, we developed the beginning of an action plan for success. By the end of our first session, she was well on her way with ideas for facing the technique of cold calling, researching her interest in greater detail and making contacts that she hadn't as yet. Knowing that I was there to support her, cheer her on, boost her over the tough spots and provide an outside perspective were all of value to her during this journey. In no time, she was moving forward with her goals and achieving success.
"To stay ahead,
you must have your next idea waiting in the wings."
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter